JULY, 2017  NEI is proudly sponsoring Tapley Gardens, a community garden currently underway on the property of Tapley Court at 221 Bay St. in Springfield, Massachusetts. While partnering with Home City Housing on occupied rehab project E. Henry Twiggs, NEI was approached by Home City and Housing Management Resources on the project designed for residents of their affordable properties.

The garden is being staffed by Home City Housing residents who will work collaboratively to grow fresh food for local families who are not only financially challenged, but live in areas of the city with inadequate food access. Additionally, Tapley Gardens will host a summer youth program, employing neighborhood teens to assist residents with the garden and organize children’s activities. Youth will benefit from learning skills in environmental sustainability, permaculture practices, organic gardening, fruit tree maintenance, basic carpentry, environmental and other related careers and trades that are important to their future success.

Additional support for this project and it’s programs come from Springfield Food Policy Council, Mass Housing’s Youth RAP program, and New England Farmworkers’ summer youth employment program. Tapley Gardens will officially open in early July, 2017.

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